Business Administration/Business Studies Minor
Note: The Business Administration minor has been renamed to Business Studies for the Class of 2024, with some adjustments made to the curriculum as well. The Business Administration/Business Studies minor is open by application only and students apply in the spring semester of their sophomore year.
The application for the Business Studies Minor for the Class of 2027 is now closed.
The deadline for applying was Friday, February 28th at 11:59 p.m. EST. Decisions will be sent to all applicants later in March.
About the Minor
The Business Administration/Business Studies minor in the Georgetown University College of Arts & Sciences offers students an opportunity to develop business knowledge and skills, in combination with their liberal arts education, to better equip them to contribute to the global economy with creativity and integrity. This minor brings College students together with McDonough School of Business (MSB) students in various curricular programs to examine the field of business from diverse intellectual perspectives and more thoroughly understand business in a cultural, political and social context. The minor allows College students to take business courses in the six main areas of accounting, finance, operations and analytics, management, marketing, and strategy, economics, ethics, and public policy, as well as in selected liberal arts disciplines that build bridges between a student’s major, minor or other interests and the broad field of business.
- The minor is limited to 50 students per class, selected on the basis of an application submitted in spring of their sophomore year. Junior and senior students are not eligible to apply retroactively.* The application will consist of an essay outlining the student’s reasons for seeking a minor in Business Administration/Business Studies, with an emphasis on how the minor would complement the student’s other major or minor interests. A committee of deans from the College and the McDonough School of Business will review the applications.
- *Interested transfer students who matriculate to Georgetown in spring of sophomore year or in junior year should speak to their advisor as soon as possible upon matriculation to Georgetown.
- Students accepted to the minor and students interested in applying for the minor should not take ACCT-001/ACCT 1001 or FINC-150/FINC 1150 (these courses do not count toward the minor). All College students (including minors) are limited to a maximum of 6 MSB courses (ACCT, BADM, FINC, MARK, MGMT, OPIM/OPAN, and STRT) within their College degree. All MSB courses taken above and beyond 6 will not count toward the College degree. Please note that not all MSB courses count toward the minor. For example, both OPAN 2101 and MGMT 3231 are also excluded from the minor.
- Students who wish to complete the minor and take FINC-150 or FINC 1150 must make sure that 1 of the Advanced Electives required for the minor is a College bridge elective (see below), thereby keeping the total number of MSB courses in the degree within the limit of 6.
- Minors must take ACCT 101/ACCT-1101 in the fall term of their junior year (or upon return if a student is studying abroad in the fall term of junior year). Students in the minor or interested in applying for the minor should not take ACCT 001/ACCT-1001.
- As part of completing the minor, students may take up to one “bridge” elective. These are designated courses within the College that explore the cultural, political, and social contexts of business.
Bridge electives offered in a particular semester can be found in the Schedule of Classes using the “College/Bus Admin Minor Bridge” attribute search.
— For students in the Class of 2021, 2022, and 2023, please see “Business Administration Minor” for prerequisites and minor requirements.
— For the Class of 2024 and later, please see “Business Studies Minor” for prerequisites and minor requirements.
Study Abroad
Students are strongly advised to complete all business electives on campus at Georgetown. Study abroad programs should be appropriate for students’ majors, but students may receive credit toward the Business Studies minor for a course (maximum of one) taken while studying abroad. The course must be approved in advance by the MSB Undergraduate Program Office. For more information, including viewing MSB-approved study abroad programs, please visit the Office of Global Education.
Questions about the Business Administration/Business Studies minor may be directed to Assistant Dean Stefan Zimmers at