FLL Hager Scholars Program

Who May Apply?

All first-year students in the College of Arts & Sciences entering with a declared major in a language, Linguistics, or Global and Comparative Literature.

Course/Credit Equivalencies

In the fall, Intro to Biblical Literature (3-credits), Intro to Language (3-credits), and Intro to Global Literature (3 credits), plus the biweekly Colloquium (1-credit), for a total of 10 credits. Note that this is in addition to a language course at your language learning level (required for language majors; recommended for linguistics majors).

Course Meeting Times

MTR 9am-9:50am, TRF 10am-10:50am, MW 11am-12:15pm, F 1pm-2:30pm

Requirements Fulfilled


Theology (one of two)
Social Science (one of two in Linguistics)
HALC: Humanities: Arts, Literature, and Cultures


Social Science (one of two in Anthropology)
History (one of two)*

*Hager Scholars should avoid enrolling in a history survey course or a general philosophy course in the fall, as those requirements may be completed through the program in the spring semester.

Learn More

First-Year Seminars are unique courses exclusively for first-year students in the College. These courses are designed to enhance the first-year experience by creating small, intellectually rich communities with faculty and peers.

“When I first saw the words Hager Scholars, I was so scared. As an incoming student with eye problems and a language major with other troubles learning my first language, the thought of taking a French or Linguistics course was terrifying enough. Little did I know that I’d find a family that was wise and experienced without filling the intimidating stereotype of the Georgetown “scholar.” The colloquium aspect provided a space in which I could provide my thoughts and knowledge about linguistics but also ask questions to students–not simply professors–who shared my interests.”
– Sophia Frank, C‘25

About the Program

Named in honor of Dr. Serafina Hager, a long-serving Italian professor and dean, the FLL Hager Scholars Program seeks to showcase and celebrate the incredible strength and diversity of language study at Georgetown. In addition to a course in their declared language or linguistics major (visit fll.georgetown.edu for a complete list of FLL majors), Hager Scholars take a series of courses that fulfill core requirements, taught by faculty who are particularly interested in the ways that language study informs their fields.

In Fall 2023, Hager Scholars will be enrolled in THEO-1100 Introduction to Biblical Literature as well as LING-1000 Introduction to Language and/or GCPL-1001 Introduction to Global Literature. In the Spring semester, students will continue learning as a cohort, enrolling in a general philosophy course and either a history survey or a second linguistics course to complete their core requirement in social science.

In addition, Hager Scholars will be enrolled in a biweekly, year-long, one-credit colloquium, coordinated by Professor Young of the Department of French and Francophone Studies, and organized around the theme of “Conflict, Peace, and Care.” The colloquium is designed to introduce students to a wide range of FLL faculty and their research interests, and to foster students as they engage in scholarly study in a supportive environment. Guided by the Colloquium Director, students will work on composing a short research proposal and preparing oral presentations. Students are encouraged to formulate their own research topics, ask questions, and articulate the challenges and triumphs they encounter as they embark on doing college-level research around themes that inspire them. The colloquium will also expose students to cultural opportunities and outings in Washington, and encourage them to discover the opportunities available to language majors outside of the classroom, in DC, and beyond.