Archive: Social Responsibility Network

5 Articles

News Story

How Isabel Powell (C’24) Uses Public Health Research to Improve Lives Around the World 

Graduating senior Isabel Powell (C'24) reflects on public health research conducted around the globe during her time as an. …

May 10, 2024

News Story

Social Responsibility Network Builds Connections in Washington Community

The Social Responsibility Network, a mentorship program for students in Georgetown’s College of Arts and Sciences, recently visited Life Pieces to Masterpieces, a non-profit…

May 3, 2022

News Story

Current Baker Scholar and Alumnus Partner to Improve High School Investors Club

Baker Scholar Liz Schropp (C’21) recently partnered with alumnus Mike Scanlan (C’86), dean of administration at St. Benedict’s Prep School in Newark, NJ, to educate high…

March 2, 2021

News Story

Alumni Advisors for Social Responsibility Network Share Insights with Service-Minded Students

The Social Responsibility Network (SRN) connects Georgetown College students interested in service-based careers with College alumni mentors currently working in the field. As…

December 8, 2020

News Story

Georgetown Student Worked to End Poverty in Mabule, Botswana

Mayesha Awal (C’20) traveled to Botswana as part of the Davis Fellows Program during the summer of 2019. Now that she is back, Awal is more motivated than ever to continue…

November 5, 2019