New Language Opportunities via SAIS Partnership

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April 1, 2016—Through a collaboration between Georgetown and Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), qualified students at both schools will have the opportunity to enroll at the other institution for language courses not available on their own campus.
Starting in the fall of 2016, up to 25 Georgetown students per semester who are in good academic standing in Georgetown College, the School for Foreign Service, and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences may enroll in courses at SAIS’s 1740 Massachusetts Avenue campus in Burmese, Hindi/Urdu, Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese.
Registration Procedures
Registration in SAIS language courses must be requested on a GU-SAIS Cross Registration Form, available in the Office of the Registrar or your Dean’s Office. GU-SAIS cross-registration requires the approval of your academic advisor and Dean before submitting the form to the Office of the Registrar for final approval and processing. SAIS language course times/days are not finalized until the summer; in the meantime, students are encouraged to use the 2015 fall offerings as a template. When prompted, choose “Nitze School of Advanced International Studies” at the Washington DC campus location, and then select the specific language of your choice.
Prior to registering for a SAIS language course for the first time, Georgetown students with prior learning in the target language must make an appointment through Marco Campos (Director of Language Studies at SAIS, for placement in the appropriate level of instruction.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition for courses taken under the cross-registration arrangement is assessed at the current Georgetown tuition rate and paid to Georgetown.
Courses may be taken only for a grade, which will appear on the student’s transcript. Georgetown undergraduate students will receive credit toward degree requirements for language courses taken at SAIS, but grades from SAIS courses will not factor into the students’ Georgetown GPA.
Contact your advising dean for more information.