Archive: Awards

97 Articles

News Story

Dyson Combines Teaching, Play with Andretta Fellowship

Jake Dyson (C'19) is using the CSJ's Andretta Fellowship to conduct a qualitative research project on the role of play in childhood education this.โ€ฆ

August 10, 2018

News Story

Knope Receives Early Career Award

Professor Karah Knope of the Georgetown College Department of Chemistry has been named a recipient of a 2018 Early Career Award from the U.S. Department of.โ€ฆ

July 12, 2018

News Story

Students Honored at 2018 Tropaia Ceremony

Dean Christopher S. Celenza presented more than 40 student awards for academic excellence across the Collegeโ€™s departments and programs, as well as three special awardsโ€ฆ

May 23, 2018

News Story

Four Graduate Students Win NSF Fellowships

Rob Cortes (Cโ€™18) and Shawn Rhoads of the Department of Psychology have been awarded prestigious graduate fellowships from the National Science.โ€ฆ

May 4, 2018

News Story

McNeill Receives Heineken Award

Professor John R. McNeill of the Department of History and the Walsh School of Foreign Service has been named a 2018 recipient of the A.H. Heineken Award in History for his workโ€ฆ

May 2, 2018

News Story

Georgetown Team Wins Hackathon With Fact-Checking Proposal

A proposal from Chris Ferris (Cโ€™20) and Sean Letendre (Cโ€™20) won first prize in its category at a hackathon hosted by the Belfer Center for Science andโ€ฆ

April 30, 2018

News Story

McNamer Book Wins MLA Award

Georgetown College English and medieval studies professor Sarah McNamer was awarded the 2017 Modern Language Association's Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Publication Award for aโ€ฆ

March 26, 2018

News Story

College Team Wins Italia Innovation Competition

Three College students โ€” Caroline Cosovich, Oluseyi Osobamiro, and Dante Esqueda โ€” won a summer internship offered by Italian furnishing company Zordan in lastโ€ฆ

March 22, 2018

News Story

McNamara Receives Distinguished Scholar Award

Congratulations to Georgetown government professor Kate McNamara, who has been awarded the International Studies Associationโ€™s 2018 Distinguished Scholar Award inโ€ฆ

March 7, 2018

News Story

Women in STEM Fields Honored at Faculty Convocation

Georgetown College Dean Christopher Celenza presented the Deanโ€™s Awards for Excellence in Teaching to three accomplished professors in the natural sciences at the 2018โ€ฆ

January 26, 2018