Archive: Awards

97 Articles

News Story

Lifshey Receives Distinguished Research Award

Professor Adam Lifshey has traveled around the world to research Spanish-language literature far beyond what’s traditionally considered the Spanish-speaking world. His…

December 19, 2017

News Story

Marsh Honored for Altruism Research

Last month, Prof. Abigail Marsh received a grant from the NSF to continue her research into the neurological basis of altruistic behavior. Earlier this month, she published a,…

October 26, 2017

News Story

Alcindor Named to The Root 100

New York Times journalist Yamiche Alcindor (C'09) was named to The Root 100, an annual list of top African American cultural.…

September 25, 2017

News Story

Hochman Receives NEH Public Scholar Fellowship

Georgetown College professor Brian Hochman has received a prestigious Public Scholar Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities in order to work on his upcoming…

August 15, 2017

News Story

Maillard Paper Named Editor's Pick

When chemistry professor Rodrigo Maillard’s manuscript was selected as an Editor’s Choice at the prestigious Journal of Biological Chemistry this month, it meant…

April 10, 2017

News Story

Terrio Honored for Book on Immigrant Children

"Whose Child Am I? Unaccompanied, Undocumented Children in U.S. Immigration Custody" is Terrio’s exploration of the plight of undocumented minors who fall into the…

March 3, 2017

News Story

Q & A: Jeopardy! College Championship Contestant Julia Marsan

Julia Marsan (C’17) is the latest member of the Georgetown community to appear on the popular quiz show Jeopardy!, as she competes for the College Championship in episodes…

February 16, 2017

News Story

U.N. Honors Sustainable Oceans Alliance

The SOA’s success has earned it a spot in the United Nations Youth Solutions Report, which highlights 50 youth-led projects in line with the U.N.’s Sustainable…

February 13, 2017

News Story

Olesko, Mujica, Hinkson Honored at Faculty Convocation

In his final Faculty Convocation, Georgetown College Dean Chester Gillis honored three beloved faculty members with the annual Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and…

February 3, 2017

News Story

FASPE To Honor Longtime SFS Professor Jan Karski

The Fellowship at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics, cofounded by Fred Marino (FLL'68), will posthumously honor legendary SFS professor Jan Karski (G'52) in a…

January 24, 2017