Intellectual vitality, a global outlook, and dedication to service

Discover What Makes the College of Arts & Sciences Distinct

Founded in 1789 as the nation’s first Catholic institution of higher learning, Georgetown University College of Arts & Sciences is committed to the Jesuit traditions of an integrated education and productive research in the natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, and fine arts.

Discover Undergraduate Education in the Jesuit Tradition

Inquiry & Learn With World-Class Faculty

Our students are seekers of truth, able to solve problems locally and globally. Our programs have world-class faculty that help provide students with the insight needed to be best prepared to improve our complex world.

View Our Academic Programs

Search For A Deeper Knowing

The College covers every corner of the human experience. Rather than imagine your education as downloading information or facts, reimagine your education as a process of seeking, questioning, probing, arguing, and creating. Intellectual achievement comes not only from in-depth research within disciplines but also from a commitment to interdisciplinary research.

Learn More About Our Research
3,400+UndergraduatesThe College is the oldest school at Georgetown and home to the largest number of undergraduate students.
520+Faculty MembersThe College has world-renowned faculty who teach, do research, and help encourage the evolution of students’ minds and create an impact on the world.
100,000+Degree CombinationsWith 43 majors, 55 minors, and seven certificates available, students are encouraged to create their own custom educational experience.

Meet Our Community

“Etiam placerat, nisi sed accumsan placerat, tortor ipsum pretium ligula, eu ullamcorper nisl nibh vel urna. Curabitur diam sapien, volutpat in sodales at, lacinia a ex. Nam imperdiet neque eget orci vulputate, eu bibendum sem malesuada. Nullam libero elit, lobortis quis porttitor a, ornare sed tortor.”

Student Story
Jackson Mittleman

“Nam ut tortor ac neque consequat tincidunt vel nec dolor. Nunc malesuada, urna vitae cursus venenatis, leo nulla dapibus nunc, vel rutrum lorem purus in justo. Phasellus porttitor pellentesque est eget elementum. Curabitur maximus gravida tellus eu tristique. Curabitur sagittis condimentum gravida. ”

Alumnus Story
A girl with dark hair, a black shirt, and checkered blazer smiled with a woman in a white blouse and blue jacket.

“Mauris pellentesque nisi arcu, eu luctus nisi condimentum et. Nam vitae lacus ut tellus dignissim ultrices. Donec aliquam nibh sem, vel sollicitudin purus lacinia quis. Praesent non elit egestas turpis placerat venenatis. Nam molestie semper purus. In at tincidunt est. Sed convallis augue sed nibh tincidunt varius.”

Student/Faculty Story

Enhance Your Learning Experience

The College is constantly evolving to bring in more opportunity for students, faculty, and alumni to connect and learn from each other. These programs are distinctly part of the College, help to foster connections and enhance learning experiences now and long after graduation.

The Social Responsibility Network (SRN)

The College of Arts & Sciences is proud to support the Social Responsibility Network, a program designed to help students pursue careers in nonprofit and public service fields. The Social Responsibility Network provides lessons, programming, networking, and mentorship for students who seek out careers centered around doing social good. It connects students with an advisory board composed of alumni currently working in a wide range of service-based careers.

Learn More About SRN

The George F. Baker Scholars Program

The Baker Scholars Program embodies the spirit of Georgetown and has developed into one of Georgetown University’s most prestigious and sought-after undergraduate programs. The Program seeks exceptional sophomores in the Georgetown University College of Arts & Sciences who possess a demonstrated interest in business and strong records of academic achievement, community service, and leadership. The Baker Scholars Program offers unique exposure to a range of businesses, nonprofits, and social enterprises.

Learn More About the Baker Scholars Program