Archive: Awards

97 Articles

News Story

Sociology Major Wins Beinecke Scholarship

Sociology major Orunima Chakraborti (Cโ€™20) has won a 2019 Beinecke Scholarship, a prestigious award given annually by The Sperry Fund to students who plan on enrolling in anโ€ฆ

May 8, 2019

News Story

Huang Receives Award to Research MS Treatment

Professor Jeffrey Huang of the Georgetown College Department of Biology has received a major award from the National MS Society to continue research on a potentiallyโ€ฆ

April 9, 2019

News Story

For French Professor Milena Santoro, an Award-Winning Stretch

Professor Milรฉna Santoro of the Department of French and Francophone Studies has spent more than two decades as a champion for Quebec literature and culture. The last two yearsโ€ฆ

March 12, 2019

News Story

Withy, Hipwell, Woolard Receive 2018 Deanโ€™s Awards

Georgetown College Dean Chris Celenza presented three faculty members with the Deanโ€™s Awards for Excellence in Teaching at the Faculty Convocation ceremony on.โ€ฆ

January 29, 2019

News Story

Benton-Cohen Teaches Immigration History in Japan Residency

Professor Katherine Benton-Cohen visited Japan last summer as part of an academic. โ€ฆ

December 18, 2018

News Story

Huang, Zhao Named 2018 Gillis Award Honorees

Lawrence Huang (Cโ€™19) and Susu Zhao (Cโ€™19) each received a stipend that will help fund their academic and research expenses for the coming semester. The Gillis,โ€ฆ

December 3, 2018

News Story

Freericks Elected AAAS Fellow

Professor James Freericks of the Department of Physics has been named a fellow at the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is one of only 19 physics professorsโ€ฆ

November 28, 2018

News Story

Meet Rangel Fellowship Winner Bianca Uribe

Bianca Uribe (C'18) has received a 2018 Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Fellowship, a prestigious award given to only 30 students from universities across the country. Weโ€ฆ

November 21, 2018

News Story

Hirsh Wins CCMA Engaged Scholarship Career Award

The award recognizes and honors a scholar for โ€œoutstanding research in curricular and/or co-curricular service learning which advances the field.&;โ€ฆ

October 10, 2018

News Story

Q & A: Grace Maglieri, Clare Boothe Luce Award Winner

Grace Maglieri (Cโ€™19) has been awarded both a summer research award and an academic year research scholarship from the Clare Boothe Luce Program, which supports womenโ€ฆ

October 1, 2018