Archive: Computer Science

22 Articles

CAS Magazine: Students

Filling in the Blanks: Experiential Learning in the College of Arts & Sciences

Students in the College of Arts and Sciences expand upon classroom learning with firsthand experiences in everything from genetic engineering and tech for good to religious…

April 30, 2024

News Story

A Slower Way to Amp Up Your Productivity

Professor Cal Newport doesn’t make New Year’s resolutions. He tunes up his systems and fires up goals at the beginning of the school. …

January 8, 2024

News Story

College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Recognized for Outstanding Research by the Provost’s Office

The Office of the Provost recognized six faculty members of the College of Arts & Sciences for their outstanding research, scholarship and interdisciplinary…

November 13, 2023

News Story

New Report Encourages Tech Companies to Prevent Image-Based Abuse

A new report, co-authored by College of Arts & Sciences assistant professor Elissa Redmiles, encourages large tech companies to combat image-based sexual abuse on their…

October 23, 2023

News Story

Dismantling Systems of Oppression with Transformative Education: Kwabena Sekyere-Boateng (C’23) Wants to Start in the Computer Lab

Kwabena Sekyere-Boateng (C’23) completed a 10-week research fellowship examining the complex ways in which technology can both reinforce and tear down systems of hierarchy and…

September 22, 2023

News Story

College of Arts & Sciences Professor Awarded Grant for Algorithmic Metalinguistic Analysis

The National Science Foundation has awarded Nathan Schneider a grant of more than $500,000 to develop algorithms to analyze metalinguistic…

December 19, 2022

News Story

Wise Fools: College Students Reflect on First-Year

Last year, we took the opportunity to ask fresh faces on campus about themselves and their plans for their career at Georgetown. This year, we revisited with those students to…

October 19, 2022

News Story

Our Class of 2025: Student Perspectives from the Newest Cohort of Hoyas

We are thrilled to welcome the newest members of the Georgetown community to campus this. …

September 14, 2021

News Story

Georgetown Center To Use $1 Million Dollar Grant To Expand Its Multidisciplinary Cyber Research

The Cyber SMART Research Center was selected by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as an Industry University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC), awarding the center a $1…

July 15, 2021

News Story

Royden B. Davis Fellow Justin Goldstein Conducting Research to Optimize Question Answering Results

Computer science major Justin Goldstein (C’24) was selected as one of this year’s Royden B. Davis Fellows. The sophomore will use this fellowship to fund his summer research…

June 21, 2021