Archive: Faculty Research

126 Articles

News Story

Analyzing Ceramics Sheds Light on Xenophobia, 1300 Years Too Late

This spring, Xin Zheng, a double major in art history and history, presented his paper on the depiction of ethnic minorities in Tang Dynasty (618-907) pottery at the SUNY New…

June 7, 2022

News Story

Georgetown Physicist Studies Glass Transition in Polymers

A paper co-authored by Peter Olmsted examines how polymers become glassy at the molecular. …

May 27, 2022

News Story

History Professor Wins Guggenheim to Explore Japanese History

Jordan Sand, a professor of Japanese history and culture, has been named a 2022 Guggenheim Fellow. Japan, which has been around for more than 1,300.…

May 4, 2022

News Story

New Study Exonerates Urban Pests Like Rats as One-of-a-Kind Disease Reservoirs

An international research team led by scientists at Georgetown University has found that city wildlife might pose less of a threat for future pandemics than once.…

May 2, 2022

News Story

Striving for a Sustainable Future with Materials Science

Kai Liu, a physicist and materials scientist, is developing new materials that can create greener, more sustainable. …

April 28, 2022

News Story

When a Toddler Plays with Blocks, Are They Preparing for the Future? A Team of Georgetown Researchers Says Yes

Robert Cortes (C’18, G’23) is the lead author of a new paper exploring the relationship between early childhood motor skills and adolescent. …

April 1, 2022

News Story

Researchers Find Humans Have Given Wild Animals Their Diseases Nearly 100 Times

An international research team led by scientists at Georgetown University has found that humans might give viruses back to animals more often than previously.…

March 22, 2022

News Story

Algorithms Developed by Mathematics Professor Maryam Yashtini Improve Quality, Speed of MRI Images

Maryam Yashtini, Ph.D. and assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, is on a mission to improve efficiency. Through the development of practical…

March 9, 2022

News Story

Fighting for Food Justice: Sociology Professor Yuki Kato Researches Intersectional Effects of Gentrification in DC

Urban sociologist and assistant professor Yuki Kato, Ph.D., is working to bring awareness to issues related to urban agriculture in Washington, DC. An advocate for environmental…

March 3, 2022

News Story

Earliest African DNA Paints Vivid Picture of Ancient Human Lives

Kathryn de Luna, a history professor at Georgetown, is an author of a new paper examining the earliest DNA ever recovered from. …

March 2, 2022